淮安联合易康医疗用品有限公司是一家专业生产多种医疗器械的出口外向型企业,地处中国江苏省盱眙县. 我们提供的各种产品能满足客户的不同要求.主要产品有医用缝合针、带线缝合针,眼科缝合针及其它特殊规格缝合针系列.我们长期以来一直以最优的产品质量以及周到的服务引以自豪! 我们将满怀信心、团结一致,竭诚为顾客朋友提供优良品质的产品和忠诚热情的服务! We-Uniecom Medical Supplies Co.,Ltd is a specical enterprise engaged in manufacturing various medical devices, and is an out-going enterprise for export. Uniecom Medical Supplies Co.,Ltd is located in XuYi county, JiangSu province, P.R.China. Uniecom Medical Supplies Co.,Ltd has prepared various specifications of medical device to meet the needs of different customers.The main single use medical device manufactured in Uniecom Medical Supplies Co.,Ltd include surgical suture,surgical suture needles with thread,ophthalmology suture and the other series of particular surgical sutures. Uniecom Medical Supplies Co.,Ltd prides itself on providing the best quality we manufactured as well as the highest level of services. Uniecom Medical Supplies Co.,Ltd with full confidence and absoluted sincerity, has already got ready,uniting as one to supply the high quality products and best service.
关 键 字:医药、医疗器械